Monday, November 22, 2010


Adalynn: Such a sweet girl. Sometimes known as Addy, Princess, Pretty Girl, and Diva. Every day I think she gets prettier and prettier. She has the biggest grin and likes to flash it when you are talking to her, and while watching Micky Mouse Clubhouse. Of the three she has the longest hair on top, but thats not saying much. Bald babies! Adalynn also likes to talk and is the best sleeper of the bunch.
Landon: Such a handsome boy. Sometimes known as Landino, Stinky, Cry Baby, Pretty Boy, and Melon Head. He is the worst sleeper and likes to vomit on you if you are not careful. He has the brightest eyes and the longest eyelashes making him we think a baby model look alike. He also crys the most but smiles frenquently too.
Marek: Such a great baby. Also know as Big Boy and Mommys Favorite. lol. He is the happiest, sweetest baby. We frequently find him talking and giggling to himself and flashing smiles constantly. He is a very social baby and loves the ladies already. He is also the most advanced physically holding his head upand is the most well behaved of the three.

In honor of the triplets turning six months, here are a few videos from when they were only a few weeks old in the NICU.

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