Saturday, December 4, 2010


My sweet baby Marek made a milestone yesterday. He rolled completely over from his back to his belly all by himself! I am one proud momma. Go Marek. Of course I was overcome with excitement and rushed immediately to get the camera to video this amazing accomplishment. I turned Marek back to his back and urged him to "roll over". Just as you would a puppy. Once he realized the camera was on him he froze. Little stinker. Trying to act normal, I kept folding laundry always keeping one eye on Marek and iphone within reach in case he decided to roll again. But of course he was done showing off for the day. Love him. Not to let the other two be outdone, I set to watching them and urging them to roll over as well. Adalynn came very close. She just needs to give it one good swing with her hip and she will have it.
I finally dropped off their christmas stockings to get embroidered. I then realized that I should have dug out Aaron's and mine as well and just do them all at once. But I was being lazy. Gonna sweet talk the hubby into getting down some of the holiday tubs. Then I will dig them out. I'm thinking Monday Aaron will prolly get the tree down. Due to my incessant begging...

1 comment:

  1. that's so awesome Jamie - many more milestones to come and over course always in "three's"

    GO BABIES GO!!!!!!
