Sunday, April 3, 2011


Ok so its probably not me you like, so much as my crazy adorable chitin's; but as of today, the triplets blog has received over 1000 hits. I think that's pretty cool, and i consider blogging as sort of like therapy for me in a way. Plus im a crafty person, so i like that aspect as well. And i have no social life to speak of, and dont get out of the house often, and rarely see my friends, thats anywho i really enjoy blogging. And i enjoy reading other blogs too. So if you have a neat one i should check out let me know.

I get picture texts from my mom when she is watching the kids and i am working and she sent me a video today of Marek banging Landons helmet over and over like a set of bongos. Funny thing is that Landon was still wearing the helmet at the time. And he didnt even seem to mind. wierd.

I love my mom, and i especially love it when she visits. Mom visiting = laundry done, dishes washed, house cleaned, dinner made, and babysitter. I promise im not taking advantage, and i dont ask her to do these things, but she says she just enjoys being busy. How lucky is my family??!! Well kiddos i hate to break it to you, but if you are adults reading mothers cleaning bug is NOT genetic. Yall are on your own!!! HAHA

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