Sunday, August 7, 2011

Urgent Care

My evening was spent rushing out of work early, leaving unfinished tasks for fellow employees (which I hate to do) in order to speed home, grab my son Marek, and speed over to Care Now before they close at 8 pm.
Since its Saturday my options are this or the ER. Now the problem is I get off work at 7 pm, and I live about 30 miles from work and then another 5 miles from the clinic, but the kicker is I have to pass through two long areas of road construction and a bottle neck highway! OMG Driving uncharacteristically crazy, we made it their by 7:30! Marek has a double ear infection and fever. I was worried since he hasn't been eating well for the past three weeks and has had some bowel issues, but his tummy was soft and the Dr said I just need to give him more water.
Then off to the 24 hr pharmacy, then the local fast food chain so i could get a sandwich and kill time for the antibiotics to be ready, then off to Kroger to restock our milk supply, then back to pharmacy to pick up prescription, then home! Made it home before 9:30pm.
When I left for work this morning, Marek was snoring pretty strongly, so hopefully he got plenty of well deserved rest.
In other news, I finally finished the artwork for the kiddos play room. Four small paintings to add some life to a boring brown wall. They are very elementary in their actual design, but that's really the extent of my art prowess. So a dog, pig, frog, and lion surrounded by multicolored polka dots adorn the wall along with my map colored fish and some art I did while pregnant that never made it into their bedroom. I will post pics soon.
My husband is in Florida for the weekend, so it is just my mother and I, with her watching the kiddos while I'm at work. I really look forward to Sunday evening since that is when my girlfriends and I meet for dinner, gossip, and True Blood. I know, don't hate, but I love that show!! Usually this is my only away from the house adult time for the week, and it only lasts a few hours. However; since Aaron is gone, I feel super guilty about wanting to go and leave my mom watching the triplets ALL day, so I'm going to make a sacrifice. Someone better have DVR that show so that i can watch it later in the week, or there is going to be one annoyed momma!

1 comment:

  1. I am a HUGE True Blood fan, too. How fun you get to watch with your girlfriends. I hope Marek is feeling much better.
