Sunday, August 28, 2011


This is the only bad thing about being opposite of most of the working population-All the fun things happen on the weekend. The only time I work is on the weekend. Thus u see my dilemma. Today is my niece's 2nd birthday party, and I hate that I will be missing it. They have a Minnie Mouse/Mickey Mouse theme all picked out. My triplets absolutely love Mickey! Their eyes light up when the cartoon comes on or when anyone starts singing the theme song. I have tried getting them interested in Disney movies that I loved as a child, but so far I have been wasting my time. I get a few curious looks then disinterest. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is where its at!!!

So I'm contemplating buying three beautifully expensive Mickey Mouse upholstered toddler chairs. I have one toy that is a chair in the playroom that I have caught all the kids sitting on. Otherwise they have no choice but to sit on the floor. It will be a huge splurge, but they would have it for years. What does everyone think?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those are too, too cute!! I love the chairs! I'm doing my kids' first birthday party on a weekday. It just happened to be the best day for the g-parents and lines up with a normal 'playdate' day.
