Tuesday, August 9, 2011

add it to the firsts

So recently i had a post about first memories of the triplets. A who did it first of baby milestones. Unfortunately i have to add something to the list that i hope no other parents ever experiences:
First baby that needed 911- Addy
first baby taken to ER by ambulance- Addy
first baby to have a seizure- Addy
first baby to scare her mother to death- Addy

While i was at work Sunday, my mother was watching the triplets and my husband was in Florida visiting a friend. She calls me to tell that Addy had a seizure, that she called 911,  that the ambulance and fire department were at our house, and that she was being taken to the ER. The horrible thing was how my work is currently short staffed and two managers said i wasn't allowedd to leave until coverage was in place. After over 20-30 minutes of waiting and contemplating quiting, i finally called the director and she immediately said to leave. Thank god someone cares! I sped to the ER and found Addy being held by a stranger screaming! My poor baby. She was diagnosed with febrile seizures, a viral infection, and yeast infection. We have to watch her closely over the next few days to monitor her temperature and keep it down.
We are still treating Marek for his double ear infection, and we took Landon in to the pediatrician just in case and he has thrush, which is a yeast infection of the mouth. yea me!

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