Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Marek goes to school

Who would have thought that my youngest baby (by 30 would be the first to go to school. It's crazy that i bought him a backpack that is practically as big as he is, and that i packed him a snack in a brand new lunch box. Plus all this craziness happens on his third birthday. Due to Marek's autism, he is delayed in speech, fine motor skills, and social behavior. Hopefully preschool will be just what he needs. The downside is that preschool is only in session for less than three weeks then the school year is over, but i thought this might be a good starter for him so that come fall it won't be so overwhelming. The elementary school can be seen from our house so after a few precious photos, i walked the kids to school.

Landon isn't happy because Addy is a bully. ha ha

My sweet babies new school.

Lets walk to class.

Our circle chair.

Learning the alphabet.

Such a big boy. Since it technically is Marek's birthday i decided to make his class rice krispie treats and little gift bags. You can't have a birthday and not have a class party right? The teacher later told me that the class was so happy to have the treats and gifts. How precious they are.
Adalynn bawled when we left because she wanted to stay at school. I decided to take the them instead to have a birthday lunch at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants.

Landon's favorite was definitely his own ice cream cone. Score one for mom!

When i picked Marek up from preschool, i found out he had slept through most of it. WHAT! That little toot never takes a nap unless we are in the car. I did remember later that he had woken up at 5 am that morning which is not normal for him. He usually is the latest sleeper. After a brought him home, he slept for another two hours. I don't thick he has had a nap that long in months. He woke up early again today so hopefully he can stay awake today.

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