Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wait, wait and wait some more

A few weeks ago i took Marek to an evaluation for premature children under the age of three that are high risk for developmental delays. This is a clinic through a center that my family is trying desperately to get into. Its called the Child Study Center in Fort Worth and apparently the wait list is long. Our pediatrician referred us shortly after the triplets two year check-up because of my continued insistence. After a mound of paperwork and months of waiting, i received a letter stating that due to the high volume, Marek couldn't be seen at this time, and that we would have to wait several more months to hopefully get in later. This is very depressing news because i want to do everything i can to speed the process of Marek getting the resources that he needs.
Several weeks later, i received a request for Marek to be evaluated through the clinic that i mentioned earlier that is prescreening for delays in premature babies. The lady said that of the 13 check-offs  she was looking for, Marek only completed 2! My heart sank, 2, really! She then said that Marek would be put on the list to see the developmental pediatrician, but that it could take up to six months since the wait is also long. Holy crap; i feel like all we are doing is waiting.
Well today i got a call from the same clinic scheduling a meeting between me and the doctor three weeks from now. No kids are allowed, and i guess this will be when all the questions and concerns are discussed without any distractions. Then a follow-up evaluation lasting anywhere between 2-3 hours will be scheduled between Marek and this doctor. My ultimate goal is to get a definitive diagnosis for Marek. That way insurance will start paying for the therapies and resources that he needs. Right now we are in limbo. We are currently paying out of pocket for one weekly therapy since every little bit of one on one therapy helps.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that you can get him evaluated and started with the therapies sooner, rather than later. ((HUGS))
