Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer time

Summer is upon us. The heat is stifling already, and especially so when you are trying to load three babies into a vehicle in 95 degree weather by yourself. I'm mopping away sweat in five minutes flat. So with this being said, I don't get out very much. I had an awesome free day on Monday since Aaron was out at my parents house with the kids. I stayed up late the night before hanging with my bestie. I slept in until 8:45 am! jealous???!!! Then I had a morning massage followed by shopping in the Southlake boutiques. A nice quiet lunch and a browse through Barnes and Noble ending with a chick flick at the movies. Finally a jaunt down to the local pool with my bestie and brother to relax, visit, and read. Best day of my life i think. Or at least very close to it. lol. Babies were home by that evening and the chaos resumes.
We are trying different foods to see what the babies like. Its really like a science experiment. And of course Marek eats everything, but doesn't like to feed himself. Landon likes to feed himself and likes to be fed and eats most things except some vegetables. And Addy hates to be fed. She only wants to feed herself and when you try to feed her she throws a huge fit! omg  Its actually funny unless you are the one having to feed her. So Miss Picky now has a lower iron count then the boys. gees.

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