Friday, February 18, 2011


this week has been pretty boring. No doctors appointments, no visitors, basically the highlight of the week was a trip to the grocery store. The only real note worthy tidbit is that Marek is starting to roll very consistantly. I can lay him on the floor and he will roll back and forth, turn himself, and play with toys. So with him we really need to practice sitting up. Landon is still very upset with tummy time that he will scream instead of trying to make himself happy by rolling over; however he is the best at trying to sit. Adalynn does ok with tummy time and she can turn herself in different directions and somewhat scoot herself, but she doesnt roll consistantly and she isnt that great at trying to sit up.
Monday the triplets will be 9 months old and have their 9 month pediatric check-up. Other that a slight diaper rash and skin rash on Adalynn's arms, they have been really relatively healthy this week. Very fussy-but healthy!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing the right thing with Landon though. Frustration is what makes them want to roll. You can probably help him do it a few more times and he may click. My David was a born sitter-upper. So much so, I didn't think he'd ever crawl. He just sat up, indicated what he wanted and held court! I should have done more tummy time with him but I didn't know any better! I laid him on his back so I could see him! Luckily though, the rolling came on schedule and once he figured out the crawling, he started walking soon after. And of course now, he is driving. LOL
