Sunday, March 13, 2011


My husband bought cute matching camo onesies for the triplets when they were only a few months old. They are now finally big enough to wear them so of course i must document the occasion with a few photos.
Marek and Landon (taking a breather from his helmet)
Marek sure thinks Landon is hilarious

how sweet are my boys

so lets toss a pretty pink camo into the mix. Landons helmet breather is over.

So Adalynn had an MRI last friday. So far this has been the worst experience i have had at Cooks children's hospital and worst experience ever with Addy. I am a huge fan of Cooks since my babies spent their first two months of their life in the NICU, but the outpatient radiology department is seriously lacking. Hello people I work for Baylor radiology----I know how the process should go!! We were told to be there by 8:30 am and they didnt even start the MRI until 11 am-mind u i have a hungry 9 month old, who isnt allowed to eat. The MRI is supposed to take about 45 min. She has to be put under anesthsia and a breathing tube is used due to her age. Over an hour and a half later still no word, then finally they tell me that their was a delay due to a blood pressure cuff malfunction and they need to take another 15 minutes worth of pictures. An hour later yet again no word. I finally had to ask someone. Hello my baby is so little and was so worried something was wrong. Dont they realize how frantic parents of infants are??? Needless to say I didnt get to the valet until 2:30 pm. We were at Cooks for 6 hrs for an MRI!!!!!

Here is my precious girl waiting for her test.
She did great. I however almost burst into tears countless times. We get the results next Wednesday to see if Adalynn has a tethered spinal cord.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for the little munchkins...especially Addy. Those idiots! They are supposed to take all that fasting and what not into consideration. Next appointment you need to put the fear of God in them! You are doing a wonderful job with your kiddos.....they are so pretty!
