This was the week of the doctors appointments. Seriously! Our week started out Monday taking Landon to have his helmet adjusted. Here he is getting a bottle while the tech was working on his helmet.

Tuesday all three saw the pulmologist for the last time! so lets celebrate with our family international man pose.

these smiles didnt last long when it came to the two shots they each got in their thighs. Three babies screaming---not pleasant!

Wednesday i took Addy to get her MRI results. Unfortunately she is going to need surgery to release a tethered spinal cord. The sooner we do it the easy her recovery will probably be since she needs to lay flat for two days after. We are in the process of scheduling her surgery now. At least now im not as scared of the anesthsia portion since she did so well during the MRI.

And thursday brings us to two babies going to the pediatrition because of fever, crying, pulling on ears and snotty noses. Both Marek and Adalynn have double ear infections and have started their antibiotic treatments.
OMG does the maddness ever end? I swear I live at the doctors office. I bet our insurance company is like WTF!!!! lol We are definitley thankful for my husbands great United Healthcare Insurance and Medicaid SSI!!!
So today is Friday. I am NOT going to a doctors office no matter what------hopefully! :)
Aye yi yi! What a full week. I'm sorry about Addy's tethered spinal cord. I looked it up when I read your last blog and it sounds like she is so early on the developmental chart, she should do very well! Another plus about being a preemie...may be 10 months out of the womb, but still younger in gestational reality. SO SORRY about the earache thing. My David was an earache maniac. I swear, it's all he ever got...ear aches. He got strep for the first time when he was about 4 but everything else at the doctor was always the same thing: ear infection. I have had them as an adult and all I can say is NO WONDER THEY SCREAM! And then, about 36 hours after the antibiotics start...all is well (or better!) You two are doing an amazing job with these three miracles. God picked you for this blessing on purpose, that is for sure!