Tuesday, March 29, 2011
THE TEETH ARE COMING...THE TEETH ARE COMING...!!!! Well a week ago Adalynns two bottom front teeth started poking through her gums. I guess one tooth was too scared to come by itself so it brought a friend. They are so stinking cute. Not to be outdone, a week later both boys also now have bottom teeth braking through the surface of their gums. They just couldnt let Addy have all the glory. I cant wait until i can grab some tooth pics! Right now everytime i pull their lip down for a shot, their tounge gets thrust in the way. Stinkers. Also a reminder that Adalynns surgery is scheduled for April 5th to release her tethered spinal cord. Other than that everyones doing well here. All three can sit up, though Addy is not as stable as the boys, nor can she sit straight up yet. She using her hands to keep herself propped up. Everyone rolls over well now so the next step will be crawling. They are also trying to hold their bottles now. Adalynn is the best at this, but of course the smaller the bottle, the easier it is to hold. They are sleeping better----thank you God! They still wake up in the middle of the night some, but usually a paci or some soothing will put them quickly back to sleep. Landon is getting his helmet adjusted again tomorrow, but we can already see a vast improvement on his head shape. In other news obviously we need a bigger house. Since we currently do not have the money to buy one we have decided to make improvements to our house. This will hopefully help us sale ours when the time comes. We really like our house, but we just dont have the space for triplets, pets, and us. We have picked out new granite countertops, a new sink, and new faucet. I would like to get a new backsplash too, but im waiting due the money and the fact the babies were fussing and there were so many choices that i didnt have the time to pick something out. I would like to get some nateral stone with some sort of detail so we will see.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
OMG does the maddness ever end? I swear I live at the doctors office. I bet our insurance company is like WTF!!!! lol We are definitley thankful for my husbands great United Healthcare Insurance and Medicaid SSI!!!
So today is Friday. I am NOT going to a doctors office no matter what------hopefully! :)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Marek and Landon (taking a breather from his helmet)
So Adalynn had an MRI last friday. So far this has been the worst experience i have had at Cooks children's hospital and worst experience ever with Addy. I am a huge fan of Cooks since my babies spent their first two months of their life in the NICU, but the outpatient radiology department is seriously lacking. Hello people I work for Baylor radiology----I know how the process should go!! We were told to be there by 8:30 am and they didnt even start the MRI until 11 am-mind u i have a hungry 9 month old, who isnt allowed to eat. The MRI is supposed to take about 45 min. She has to be put under anesthsia and a breathing tube is used due to her age. Over an hour and a half later still no word, then finally they tell me that their was a delay due to a blood pressure cuff malfunction and they need to take another 15 minutes worth of pictures. An hour later yet again no word. I finally had to ask someone. Hello my baby is so little and was so worried something was wrong. Dont they realize how frantic parents of infants are??? Needless to say I didnt get to the valet until 2:30 pm. We were at Cooks for 6 hrs for an MRI!!!!!
She did great. I however almost burst into tears countless times. We get the results next Wednesday to see if Adalynn has a tethered spinal cord.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
9 month checkup and more
Plus the time of the appointment fell during a feeding so everyone needed a bottle at the same time.
We had a few meltdowns during the hour and a half visit, but the kiddos are doing great. Marek is currently 17 lbs. 8 oz.; Landon is 17 lbs. 4 oz.; and Adalynn is 15 lbs. 2 oz! Of course they are all at the 6% and less on their weight compared to other 9 month old babies, but when you adjust their size based on prematurity to 6 months old they are all about the 50%! Next checkup is at 12 months. Who wants to come? lol
I had to add these next two photos since Landon was being so freakin cute. I started feeding him and immediately his eyes started drooping. I tried to distract him with toys to keep him up until he finished eating, but obviously to no avail.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Note to self: Since the triplets are rolling now they can no longer sit on the couch without u sitting next to them!--hey i never said i knew what i was doing with this whole three babies at once thing.
We are also trying a new night technique. For the life of us we cant get our kids to sleep consistantly through the night. When they would wake up we were trying to console them, but most often we would just give them a small bottle so that they would fall right back to sleep. Well now the bad habit seems hard to break because they wake up every night. So Sunday night i have decided no bottles until 6 am. It was definitely rough. Landon and Adalynn were both up crying at different times and all they got was consolement through pats and rocking. Monday night was slightly better. Im hoping after a week or two of this they will realize no food at night so might as well be asleep. Wish me luck.
They have their 9 month check up today so stats will follow later.
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