Saturday, January 15, 2011


Landon has a wet cough, runny nose, running eyes, but no fever. Just thinking he had a cold, but not wanting to wait out the weekend I took him to the pediatrition friday afternoon. Turns out the poor boy has RSV. This is a respiratory issue that can be very dangerous for premature infants. Worse case senerio is difficulty breathing resulting in a hospital stay. Of course it is also highly contagious and I'm supposed to try to keep the kiddos separated.. lol not likely. Marek is already coughing too though it doesnt sound near as bad as Landons. Basically Landons treatment involves constantly suctioning out his nose, sleeping with a humidifier, and watching him for changes in his breathing. If he starts having trouble breathing or rapid breathing he has to go to the ER. We have had a different sick kid every month for the last three months. omg. Does it ever end? Lets go babies and build up your immune systems asap! Everyone keep my babies in your thoughts for a speedy recovery!

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