I was always that person that said no matter what I am never driving a minivan. How emarrassing! I will drive an SUV thats cool looking.......well peeps I am having to eat my words because there is no way around not getting a minivan. A SUV costs more, eats more gas, is harder to raise the kids up into, and actually has less space. So my husband and I have picked out the 2011 Nissan Quest as our minivan of choice. It doesnt become available for purchase until the end of this month, but I promise you that we will be heading the the dealership as soon as we can. Who wants to babysit? As far as minivans go, this is the coolest looking one of all. It has a very sleek design.
The inside looks super nice.

This is with the back seats folded down

back view
I plan on having leather and definitely an entertainment DVD player installed for the kiddos. That is a must. Hopefully we can get a good deal and not have to live in the van in order to make the payments! lol
You'll actually love the mini-van...we don't even have little ones and I drive one! They will be styling and profiling in their new car seats!