The local studio movie Grill theaters and a few select AMC theaters offer a different movie experience for children with autism. For a few showings during the summer, they have movies available that are for kids with sensory issues. The lights are kept up and the sound is turned down to not over stimulate the kids. Plus you are able to move around if you feel the need. I thought this would be perfect for Marek and his first theater experience. We went and watched monsters university, and it was such a cute movie. The kids started to get cranky and restless before the movie ended, but I really wanted to see the ending. I think their favorite was all the popcorn they were able to eat. I will definitely have to pick and choose which movies they are going to see this summer. I know not all of them will keep them entertained or they may be a little too old for the kids to really enjoy. But I expect to go to the movies maybe two or three more times before the summer ends.

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