Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Amazing marek

Marek has been doing some really great things over the last few weeks. He started practicing with the occupational therapist and she was able to get him to use a spoon a few times all by himself. Normally he refuses to even touch any silverware so this is amazing for him. He also finally asked me for juice. He has never asked for anything before. Typically the other two kids ask for things and marek gets it by default, but this time he came to me, grabbed my wrist, handed me his empty cup, looked me in the eye and said juice. It took me a minute to realize who was asking me for something because I was reading at the time. I was beyond ecstatic. Today for the first time marek also pooped in the potty. We are not really potty training him, but he totally understands what the potty is for. A few times a day when we are changing his diaper, I will sit him on the potty and he will either immediately start peeing, or he will look down and you can see him straining to try to go. He claps and we cheer because he knows he did a good job. He currently has over 20 stickers on his potty chart. Pooping in the potty today was awesome! I have also been teaching him to say I love you. Now all three children have said I love you to me first. Haha! Take that daddy!

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