Landon is is new super cute underwear.
Addy in her princess panties.
Marek is his groovy pullups.
Peek-a-boo i see you and your new toy story underwear!
Landon winning his first prize animal.
Way to go Landon. 20 potties!
What i decided to do differently was make a potty chart with their pictures on it. Every time they go pee-pee in the potty they get a sticker. Five stickers equals a piece of leftover Halloween candy, and 20 stickers equals a zoo animal prize.
Landon finally reached twenty stickers today. So he chose an alligator as his prize.
As you can see even Elmo is beating Adalynn. She is refusing to participate. Irritates me to no end so I'm focusing more on Landon now since he is more receptive. Typically every so often i take and put him on the potty and it isn't until after he already has an accident that he will come and tell me he peed. Today was the first day that he told me he needed to pee before accident. Very proud of him! way to go Landon.!!
I'd lick his cock and suck it then lick his little boy hole clean then fuck him while kissing him