Monday, November 19, 2012

last but not least to potty

Marek is by no means ready to potty train, but i know he watches and takes in more than we probably realize. This morning since his diaper had barely any urine in it, when it is usually bursting to the max; i decided to sit him on the potty to see what would happen. Surprisingly Marek had his first pee-pee in the big potty! I think i kinda scared him when i first starting cheering. ha ha. He probably could have peed more.
His first reaction is probably why are you taking pictures mommy?

But with cheering comes smiles!

Way to go Big Boy!

Clapping for a job well done.

Say bye-bye pee-pee.

Adalynn is very proud of her baby brother.

We love you Marek! Great job!

1 comment:

  1. the first pic of Marek is the evil death stare!!!! love it :)
