Saturday, August 20, 2011

lysol everything STAT

Believe it or not, I had to take another child of mine to the ER! I still haven't completely gotten over Adalynn having her seizure and  going to the ER, but Wednesday midnight I was on my way with Landon. Not wanting his sister to have all the fun, he had been running a fever for a few days prior, having general fussiness and lack of sleep due to congestion, runny nose, but late Wednesday night I couldn't get the fever to go down. At almost 103 Landon started shaking (not having a seizure) and crying, and when his lips turned blue I was out of the house in five minutes! Needless to say i didn't return home until almost 4 am. Landon was finally asleep and his fever was under control. Diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and cutting a back molar, my baby is not a happy camper. First thing Thursday morning, I went over everything in their playroom with disinfecting Lysol spray. I changed their sheets and sprayed everything in their room, and the guest room as well. I guess I am going to have to make it a more regular chore of spraying Lysol since i will never be able to keep them from drinking after one another and sharing toys etc.
On a good note I finally finished decorating the playroom, so i promise the next post will be fun pics and not sickness stories! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Poor Landon! That's so rough. I'm not looking forward to molars.
