Wednesday, February 2, 2011


so the grezeszak household woke to a freezing house. We are talking no heat at all, with the thermastat reading 65 degrees. No bueno! I immediately bundled up the bambinos in fleece and hats. Landon fell asleep on his brother once he was nice and toasty.

sitting on the couch watching Snow White

we are warm

Marek sporting a girly bib and hat. What can i say, we dont discriminate against pink in this house.


We took Adalynn today out in the crazy cold and ice to brave a trip to the neurologist. It took us two months to get this appointment. we werent about to reschedule. Dr. Roberts evaluated her sacral dimple and wants her to have a MRI. The soonest we could get one is in March. Once we have the test done we will know if Adalynn has a tethered spinal cord or not. If she does have a tethered cord then she will have to have back surgery to have it released. Lets hope the MRI comes back negative.


  1. keeping my fingers crossed for you Jamie Sue!!!!! Love me some Grezeszak babies :)

  2. Is that the same thing Aaron had in high school. I love this yall are so cute I miss ya and thank you for sending me the pics! I love them.
